An open exchange language for Asset Management industry
Open Asset Management Language helps you to reduce operational risk as an exchange language.
In a fast moving world, the Asset Management industry is facing difficulties in sharing and exchanging data. Therefore, Amundi has decided to become a data-driven organization and to develop a standard language, Open Asset Management Language, to share data between different departments and entities, internally and externally.

Open Asset Management Language is the data dictionary that models Asset Management business objects, for portfolio (investment fund), portfolio inventory, or the asset associated to the positions (securities, OTC, index).

The use of standard messages and reference data ensures that exchanged data are accurate to reduce costs and mitigate risks.
Without a standard format, sharing information become more and more complex given the information system size and diversity. In most cases, this situation increases the operational risk and the workload to control and reconciliate data.

Open Asset Management Language is designed to facilitate data exchange, files and messages, between financial entities such as fund administrators and asset management companies, custodian, external vendors or clearing agent.

The benefits of Open Asset Management Language are multiple :
Share the same language
Facilitate data exchanges
Facilitate IT development
Functional perimeter covered
Business objects coverage
A proven model with 15 years of experience
A proven model
15 years
of experience
Open Asset Management Language, a standard pivot format
Key Partners
Open Asset Management Language definition is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
This means that Open Asset Management Language definition - concepts, field names, component and business object names - may be redistributed in unaltered form and used for non-commercial and commercial purposes.
Amundi is Europe’s largest asset manager by assets under management and ranks in the top 101 globally.

The Group manages 1.476 trillion
2 euros of assets across six investment hubs3.

Amundi worked for 15 years to develop internally a Portfolio Management System, ALTO
*, which covers the entire Asset Management value chain from portfolio management, risk, investment compliance to reporting. The Amundi IT team is composed of 600 experts, developers, analysts, data scientists… to implement a solution at the state of the art to serve the Asset Management business.

Towards this objective, Amundi and key partners use the standard format Open Asset Management Language internally and externally since its first release at the end of 2017.
Open Asset Management Language
benefits from cutting edge technologies
Open Asset Management Language is at the forefront of innovative standard of technology within the Asset Management industry. This standard is fully integrated with the Portfolio Management System ALTO* and follow all innovative evolutions.

Within Open Asset Management Language, the data is grouped by business objects representing coherent business data that need to be exchanged. Toolkit and ready to use library are available to facilitate access and integration of this standard.  

Open Asset Management Language is available in different format:
• Typescript (model and types)
• POJO (Java library)
• Other variations ongoing: Python, etc.
1. Source: IPE “Top 400 asset managers” published in June 2018 and based on AUM as at December 2017.
2. Amundi figures as of March 31, 2019
3. Investment hubs: Boston, Dublin, London, Milan, Paris and Tokyo
*ALTO: Amundi Leading Technology & Operations